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Primary Faculty

Burnell, Kaitlyn
Research Assistant Professor
243A Davie Hall
(919) 843-8150

Dr. Burnell studies how adolescents and emerging adults use digital technologies, with a special focus on how this use parallels their developmental tasks and challenges.

Cheatham, Carol
Associate Professor
216 Davie Hall
(919) 843-5020 | (704) 250-5010

Dr. Cheatham studies individual differences in cognitive development as they relate to nutrition and nutrigenomics, utilizing both electrophysiological (ERP) and behavioral methodology. Her research spans preconception to senescence. Visit her online: Cheatham Nutrition and Cognition Laboratory

Cohen, Jessica
Associate Professor
335A Davie Hall

Dr. Cohen studies how functional brain networks interact and reconfigure when confronted with changing cognitive demands, when experiencing transformations across development, and when facing disruptions in healthy functioning due to disease. Visit her online: Cohen Lab.

Dr. Cohen is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Cooper, Shauna
214 Davie Hall
(919) 962-7468

Dr. Cooper studies the cultural and contextual factors that contribute to positive youth development, with a specific focus on African American adolescents and families. Her work spans multiple areas, including 1) family processes; 2) ethnic-racial socialization practices; 3) father engagement and involvement; 4) gender-related processes; and 5) community and school contexts of development and well-being. Visit her online: Strength, Assets, and Resilience (StAR) Research Lab.

Dr. Cooper is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Lindquist, Kristen
321 Davie Hall

Dr. Lindquist studies emotions and affective neuroscience. Visit her online: Carolina Affective Science Lab


Maheux, Anne
Assistant Professor
227 Davie Hall

Dr. Maheux studies sociocultural and technological influences on adolescent development, with a focus on gender, mental health, sexuality, and academics. Visit her online:

Dr. Maheux is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Prinstein, Mitch
Seters Distinguished Professor
240 Davie Hall
(919) 962-3988

Dr. Prinstein studies cognitive-interpersonal models of adolescent depression and self-injury/suicidality, peer influence, and adolescent risk behavior. Visit him online: Mitch Prinstein, Ph.D., ABPP.

Safa, Dalal
Assistant Professor
221 Davie Hall

Dr. Safa’s program of research seeks to understand the development of bicultural identities and competencies, broadly focusing on the intersection of culture, ethnicity-race, and development. Visit her online: BRIDGES Lab.

Dr. Safa is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Sheridan, Margaret
Associate Professor
248 Davie Hall
(919) 843-3182

Dr. Sheridan studies the neural mechanisms through which adversity affects brain development and risk for psychopathology and typical and atypical development of the prefrontal cortex. Visit her online: Child Imaging Research on Cognition and Life Experiences.

Telzer, Eva
Professor | Developmental Psychology Program Director
218 Davie Hall

Dr. Telzer’s research examines how social and cultural processes shape adolescent brain development, with a focus on both prosocial and antisocial behaviors, family and peer relationships, and the role of social media in youth’s lives. Visit her online: Developmental Social Neuroscience Lab.

Dr. Telzer is potentially recruiting new students to start Fall 2025.


Yousif, Sami
 Assistant Professor
364B Davie Hall

Dr. Yousif is interested in the core building blocks of human cognition and how those develop across the lifespan. Most of his work focuses on various aspects of spatial cognition/perception, but he also studies topics like numerical cognition, event representation, and various aspects of memory. Visit him online: Perception, Cognition, & Development Lab.

Dr. Yousif is potentially recruiting new students to start Fall 2025.

Associated Faculty

Associated Faculty are faculty members in other graduate programs in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience who collaborate closely with faculty and students in the Developmental Psychology Program. These faculty members may recruit Developmental doctoral students through our graduate admissions process.

Arnold, Jennifer
Associated Faculty | Professor in Cognitive Psychology
337B Davie Hall

Dr. Arnold studies the cognitive mechanisms underlying language comprehension and production in adults and children. Visit her online: UNC Language Processing Lab..

Bauer, Daniel
Associated Faculty | Professor in Quantitative Psychology
362A Davie Hall

Dr. Bauer studies psychometrics, statistical models for developmental data, multi-level and non-linear models, structural equation modeling, cluster analysis, and finite mixture models. Visit him online: Daniel J. Bauer, Ph.D.

Curran, Patrick
Associated Faculty | Professor in Quantitative Psychology
356 Davie Hall
(919) 962-5235

Dr. Curran studies structural equation and multi-level modeling of longitudinal data, integrative data analysis and the fitting of models to data pooled over multiple independent data sources, and the risk and protective factors associated with the onset and escalation of alcohol and drug use in children and adolescents. Visit him online: Patrick J. Curran, Ph.D.

Gates, Kathleen
Associated Faculty | Associate Professor in Quantitative Psychology
344A Davie Hall
(919) 962-4947

Dr. Gates studies time series analysis, structural equation modeling, Fourier analysis, graph theory, and develops, tests, and disseminates programs for use with intensive longitudinal data such as psychophysiological and dyadic interaction. Visit her online: Katie Gates, Ph.D.

Hussong, Andrea
Associated Faculty | Professor in Clinical Psychology
262 Davie Hall
(919) 962-6593

Dr. Hussong studies social and familial influences associated with adolescent substance abuse and comorbid disorders among high-risk youth. Visit her online: Developmental Risk and Resilience Lab.

Jones, Deborah
Associated Faculty | Professor in Clinical Psychology
267 Davie Hall
(919) 843-2351

Dr. Jones studies the mental and physical health and well-being in the family context; the mechanisms by which families transmit risk and resilience; and, most recently, the development and enhancement of prevention and intervention programs to meet the unique needs of at-risk and under-served families. Visit her online: Deborah J. Jones, Ph.D..

Miller, Adam
Associated Faculty | Research Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology
259 Davie Hall

Dr. Miller studies neural mechanisms of the link between childhood adversity and risk for adolescent health risk behaviors, especially suicide. Visit him online: Miller Lab.

Muscatell, Keely
Associated Faculty | Assistant Professor in Social Psychology
328 Davie Hall

Dr. Muscatell studies how social experiences (e.g., stress, social status, inequality, discrimination, loneliness, social support) influence physical health and emotional well-being, incorporating techniques from social neuroscience and psychoneuroimmunology to identify pathways linking the social environment and health outcomes. Visit her online: Social Neuroscience and Health Lab.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty have official appointments with the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and assist the Department by collaborating with faculty, mentoring doctoral students, or teaching undergraduates.

Belger, Aysenil
Adjunct Professor | Department of Psychiatry
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 843-7368

Coffman, Jennifer
Adjunct Associate Professor | University of North Carolina Greensboro
Human Development and Family Studies
(336) 334-5307

Else-Quest, Nicole
Adjunct Associate Professor | Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 962-3380

Goldman, Barbara
Adjunct Professor | Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
330 Bypass Building
(919) 966-7169

Harrop, Clare
Adjunct Associate Professor | Department of Allied Health Sciences
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 966-9796

 Dr. Harrop is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Mills-Koonce, W. Roger
Adjunct Associate Professor | Department of Human Development and Family Studies
University of North Carolina Greensboro
(336) 334-5307

Propper, Cathi
Adjunct Associate Professor | School of Nursing
100 East Franklin Street
(919) 843-2400

Dr. Propper’s research focuses on the development of infant and child self-regulation. She investigates child behavioral, emotional, and cognitive outcomes as the result of associations across levels (behavioral, physiological, genetic, environmental) and over time, from the prenatal period to early childhood.

Willoughby, Michael
Adjunct Professor | RTI International
(919) 541-6622

Emeritus Faculty

Kurtz-Costes, Beth
Professor Emeritus

Ornstein, Peter
Professor Emeritus
229 Davie Hall
Peter Ornstein, Ph.D.

Gariepy, Jean-Louis
Professor Emeritus